In this blog you will learn how to register your domain in salesforce. When you register your domain you add a subdomain to your Salesforce org URL using My Domain Salesforce feature. Having a subdomain lets you highlight your brand and makes your org more secure. Using the subdomain, you can restrict the login through it.

register your doimain in salesforce

Step 1: Go to Setup > Domain Management > My Domain

Step 2: Write a suitable domain name and check their availability

Once the Register Domain button is enabled click it to register domain. You can see the following output.

Step 3: Wait for an email notification with the subject Your Developer Edition domain ready for testing. Once the mail arrives refresh the My Domain Registration page.

Step 4: Click on Log in.

Step 5: Click on Deploy to Users

log in from subdomain

Go to My Domain through Setup. Click on Edit.

If you want to prevent login from, then check the checkbox, as shown in the image below.


Your login page:


That’s all for how to register your domain in salesforce, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make it better


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