In this blog we are going to learn about DML(Data Manipulation Language) operations in Salesforce. Following types of DML statements are available in salesforce.

  • insert : Use this statement to create the records of sObject.
  • update : Use this statement to update the existing records of sObject.
  • upsert: Use this statement to create the new record or update the existing records on the basis of  Id or external field.
  • delete : Use this statement to delete the existing record
  • undelete : Use this statement to restore the records from Organisation recycle bin.
  • merge : Use this statement to merge the records of same sObject type by deleting other and re-parenting the related records. You can use upto 3 records to merge.

DML Example

Let’s do some example of above statements. To execute the below mentioned example GOTO||Developer Console||Debug||Open Execute Anonymous Window.

  1. Insert Operation:
    //Create new contact by using insert operation
    Contact con = new Contact(FirstName = 'Jon',Salutation='Mr.' LastName='Doe', Phone ='9838783737');
    insert con;

  2. Update Operation:
    //Update existing contact by using update operation
    Contact cont = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'Jon' Limit 1];
    cont.Birthdate = Date.parse('12/3/1994');
    update cont;

  3. Upsert Operation:
    //Create or Update contact by using upsert operation
    Contact cont = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'Jon' Limit 1];
    cont.Birthdate = Date.parse('11/3/1994');
    upsert cont;

  4. Delete Operation:
    //Delete existing contact by using delete operation
    Contact con = new Contact(FirstName = 'Jon',Salutation='Mr.' LastName='Doe', Phone ='9838783737');
    delete con;

  5. Undelete Operation:
    //Undelete existing contact by using undelete operation
    Contact cont = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE FirstName = 'Jon' ALL ROWS];
    undelete cont;

  6. Merge Operation:
    //Merge  contact by using merge operation
    Contact con = new Contact(FirstName = 'Jon',Salutation='Mr.' LastName='Doe', Phone ='9838783737');
    insert con;



That’s all about DML operation in salesforce, still if you have any further query, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you

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