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Sandbox Orgs in Salesforce


The sandbox provides a copy of the actual live environment called production org. Sandboxes are used to test applications or training or anywhere you rather not using live data. They contain the configuration and code, in some cases data of production org.  it is just a replica of the original production org. Sandboxes are isolated from your production org, so operations that you perform in your sandboxes don’t affect your production org.

In general, the sandbox is used as a testing area for customizations and code that you desire to deploys to production org. It is like a snapshot of the production environment.

Sandbox Types :


1) Developer Sandbox :

A Developer Sandbox includes a copy of your production org’s configuration (metadata).  It is intended for development and testing in an isolated environment. Developer Sandbox can store up to 200 MB test and sample data. It can be refreshed once per day.


2) Developer Pro Sandbox :

A Developer Pro sandbox is intended for development and testing in an isolated environment and can host larger data sets than a Developer sandbox. A Developer Pro sandbox includes a copy of your production org’s configuration (metadata). Use a Developer Pro sandbox to handle more development and quality assurance tasks and for integration testing or user training. This org can store up to 1 GB production org data. It can also be refreshed once per day.


3) Partial Copy Sandbox :

A Partial Copy sandbox is intended to be used as a testing environment. This environment includes a copy of your production org’s configuration (metadata) and a sample of your production org’s data as defined by a sandbox template. Use a Partial Copy sandbox for quality assurance tasks such as user acceptance testing, integration testing, and training. This org can store up to 5 GB test, sample data. We can refresh it every 5day.


4) Full Sandbox :

A Full sandbox is intended to be used as a testing environment. Only Full sandboxes support performance testing, load testing, and staging. Full sandboxes are a replica of your production org, including all data, such as object records and attachments, and metadata. The length of the refresh interval makes it difficult to use Full sandboxes for development. We can refresh it every 29day.


Sandbox Licenses and Storage by Type :


You can create different sandbox environments for your org, depending on your needs for storage, copy configuration, and frequency of refresh.

Each type has different features to support the activities it’s designed for.

Developer Sandbox 10 100 100 25
Developer Pro Sandbox 5 5
Partial Copy Sandbox 1 1 1
Full Sandbox 1 1
Sandboxes Available Per Edition


Comparison between Sandboxs :


Developer Sandbox 1 day Data storage: 200 MB

File storage: 200 MB

Metadata only Not available
Developer Pro Sandbox 1 day Data storage: 1 GB

File storage: 1 GB

Metadata only Not available
Partial Copy Sandbox 5 days Data storage: 5 GB

File storage: 5 GB

Metadata and sample data Required
Full Sandbox 29 days Same as your production org Metadata and all data Available


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