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Relationship Query In Salesforce

In this blog we will learn about how to build relationship query in salesforce.  In salesforce,  every object and field has a default Label, a Name, and an API Name. 

We use the API name in query to fetch the desired records. Let’s see the various suffix used in salesforce for custom objects.


1). __x : For external object (Not in Salesforce multitenant database but still support the SOQL).

2). __Share: The sharing object.

3). __Feed: The chatter feed.

4). __latitude__s/__longitude__s: Geolocation Latitude/Longitude coordinate fields.

5). __r : To represent relationship between object.

6).  __tab : For custon tab

7). __c : Suffix used for custom object name.


Relationship query

Now let’s see some SOQL for parent-child relationship.

1). SOQL for two standard object. Let’s say Account as parent object and Contact as child object .

-> Query to fetch the all Contact which is associated with Account ‘Webkul’.

// When record is fetch from Contact

SELECT Name, Account.Name FROM Contact where Account.Name = 'Webkul'

// When record is fetch from Account.
// Contacts is child relationship name of Contact object.
SELECT Name, (SELECT Name FROM Contacts) FROM Account where Name = 'Webkul'

# Output

2). When one is standard object and one is custom object.

-> Let’s say we have a custom object with name Product_Variant__c and standard object product with name product2 which is parent of variant. Suppose we want to know the name of the variant where product name is shirt.


// When record is fetch from product
// Product_Variants is child relationship name of Product_Variant__c
// __r relationship suffix of custom object

SELECT Name, (SELECT Name FROM Product_Variants__r) FROM Product2 WHERE Name = 'Shirt'

// When record is fetch from Product_Variant__c
// Product__r is relationship name of custom field Product__c

SELECT Name,Product__r.Name FROM Product_Variant__c
 WHERE Product__r.Name = 'Shirt'


3). SOQL for two custom objects. Let’s say we have two custom object  Variant with name Variant__c (Parent)  and Product Variant with name Product_Variant__c(Child). As shown in above example Product Variant  is also the child of product.

-> Query for the name of Variant where product name is Shirt.

// When record is fetch from Product Variant.
// Variant_c is the name of custom field Variant__c which is lookup of custom object Variant_c

SELECT Name, Variant__r.Name FROM Product_Variant__c WHERE Product__r.Name = 'Shirt'



That’s all for Relationship Query In Salesforce, still if you have any further query feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you

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